The D-Ticket JugendBW costs 365.04€/year (30.42€ /month)

You can order it here ONLINE : https://abo.kvv.de/Abo/new.aspx


The D-Ticket JugendBW costs 99.96€/year (8.33€/month)

Reduced Price is applied:                                                                                                        

1. IF your child is in primary from P1 to P4  living outside 1km radius from school

2. IF you have two children who have already a D-Ticket JugendBW and you order the ticket for your THIRD child 

  • Download the FORM and fill in with your personal data 
  • Get a STAMP from primary or secondary Secretary based on where you child is attending
  • Send it by 13.09.2024 to KVV GmbH / VBK GmbH / AVG mbH Tullastraße 71 76131 Karlsruhe or give it back in one of the customers office: https://www.kvv.de/service/kundenzentren.html