Accompanying service is on for ALL bus users (including JRC and ESK seconded teachers) from Kindergarten to S7.

Accompanying persons (AP) receive at the beginning of the school year the personal ID from the transport committee (TA).  

The escort duties are listed below:

  • AP receive and release small children through the front door (in case of a broken door, use the next possible door).   
  • AP ensure that small children seat
  • AP ensure that small children disembark at the correct stop
  • AP ensure that there is no yelling or fighting during the trip.   
  • AP ensure full availability via WhatsApp during the trips.   
  • AP must ensure their presence during the trips they are committed for and provide a backup in case of absence. In case of unavailability of the backup they must inform the parents in the Whatsapp group.In the event of any changes in their availability, they must inform TA as soon as possible.  
  • AP checks bus users once a month

In addition AP must inform:   

  • the WhatsApp group in case of delays or items found on trams.   
  • Elena via WhatsApp before 7:50 AM in case of a morning delay (She will inform the school secretary).
  • Elena in case of misconduct and bullying.  
  • The WhatsApp group in the case of a child missing the stop, etc.